San Onofre Legacy (SOL Part 1, 2 and 3)

The DAB Safety Team released three Media Alerts today!

Together they describe (in technical detail) the current situation at San Onofre, along with what SCE, their experts and other public nuclear watchdogs are now saying about all the NRC RESTART QUESTIONS they have been told to answer:

The following paper shows that the entire NRC Regulatory Process is underfunded, broken and needs additional funding, oversight and extensive overhaul to ensure public safety.
The presentation by SCE, Mitsubishi and other experts to the NRC was very disappointing and disturbing to 8.4 million Southern Californians.  The presentation did not address U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Congressman Edward J. Markey’s concerns expressed on February 6, 2013 in her letter to NRC Chairman McFarlane, “Southern California Edison was aware of problems with replacement steam generators at its San Onofre nuclear power plant but chose not to make fixes.
The structural integrity of SONGS degraded retainer bar system to withstand combined loads that result from postulated accident conditions events has not been demonstrated.
Aging Nuke Plants On Fault Lines In Tsunami Hazard Zones = Fukushimas… Any Questions?
PLEASE Turn off a light for Fukushima USA / San Onofre

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TEN Unresolved Items, Requires NRR Investigate The NRC

The Unsatisfactory Status Of The NRC Region IV Augmented Inspection Team
Report Which Contains TEN Unresolved
Items, Requires Additional NRR Investigation
And Resolution.

The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following to
the Chair…

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TEN Unresolved Items, Requires NRR Investigate The NRC

The Unsatisfactory Status Of The NRC Region IV Augmented Inspection Team
Report Which Contains TEN Unresolved
Items, Requires Additional NRR Investigation
And Resolution.

The DAB Safety Team has transmitted the following to
the Chair…

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NRC AIT Review Of San Onofre Requires An NRR Investigation

NRC AIT review of SCE 10CFR 50.59: The NRC AIT stated in its report, “Based on the updated final safety analysis report description of the original steam generators, the team determined that the steam generators major design changes were r…

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NRC AIT Review Of San Onofre Requires An NRR Investigation

NRC AIT review of SCE 10CFR 50.59: The NRC AIT stated in its report, “Based on the updated final safety analysis report description of the original steam generators, the team determined that the steam generators major design changes were r…

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San Onofre’s TTW Assessment Is NOT ACCEPTABLE

SCE Cannot Develop A New Tube-To-Tube (TTW) Operational Assessment ACCEPTABLE To The NRR, After Wasting Hundreds of Millions of Dollars

NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation asked in a letter dated December 26, 2012 to Edison the following questi…

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NRC Region IV AIT Team Report Requires Immediate NRR Investigation

Press Release + 13-01-02 Supplemental
To Our Press Release + 12-12-31

Condensed Version

NRC AIT Team review of SCE 10CFR
50.59: The NRC AIT Team stated in its report, “Based on the
updated final safety analysis report description of the origi…

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NRC Region IV AIT Team Report Requires Immediate NRR Investigation

Press Release + 13-01-02 Supplemental
To Our Press Release + 12-12-31

Condensed Version

NRC AIT Team review of SCE 10CFR
50.59: The NRC AIT Team stated in its report, “Based on the
updated final safety analysis report description of the origi…

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SCE’s News Years Resolution 2013: Decommission SONGS ASAP

NRR RAI Answers Will Prevent Any SCE Restart At San Onofre

The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has requested from Edison in a
letter dated December 26, 2012, the following additional information (RAI
#32): “Please …

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SCE’s News Years Resolution 2013: Decommission SONGS ASAP

NRR RAI Answers Will Prevent Any SCE Restart At San Onofre

The NRC Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation has requested from Edison in a
letter dated December 26, 2012, the following additional information (RAI
#32): “Please …

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Thirty Alarms Demonstrates SONGS Is Unsafe

The 30 Un-Resolved Alarms Recorded by SONGS Vibration Monitoring System During 11 Months of Operation, Requires An Immediate NRR Safety Investigation

Three Questions affecting US reactor safety need to be answered ASAP, by the NRR:…

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Thirty Alarms Demonstrates SONGS Is Unsafe

The 30 Un-Resolved Alarms Recorded by SONGS Vibration Monitoring System During 11 Months of Operation, Requires An Immediate NRR Safety Investigation

Three Questions affecting US reactor safety need to be answered ASAP, by the NRR:…

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NRR Meeting Request About SONGS Restart Safety

The DAB Safety Team and Other Experts wish to be invited to a Confidential NRR Meeting about SONGS’ severely damaged Replacement Steam
Generators and other safety related problems, before any SONGS Unit 2 restart
is granted by the NRC.

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NRR Meeting Request About SONGS Restart Safety

The DAB Safety Team and Other Experts wish to be invited to a Confidential NRR Meeting about SONGS’ severely damaged Replacement Steam
Generators and other safety related problems, before any SONGS Unit 2 restart
is granted by the NRC.

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14 Reactor Safety Questions That Edison Needs To Answer Regarding San Onofre

The 14 most important questions that the DAB Safety Team feels must be answered before the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research can complete their investigation …

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14 Reactor Safety Questions That Edison Needs To Answer Regarding San Onofre

The 14 most important questions that the DAB Safety Team feels must be answered before the NRC, Atomic Safety Licensing Board, NRC Offices of Nuclear Reactor Regulations and Nuclear Regulatory Research can complete their investigation …

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Edison Pushes Restart, Despite UNSAFE Assessment

NRC No Restart at San Onofre

generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances.  These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…

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Edison Pushes Restart, Despite UNSAFE Assessment

NRC No Restart at San Onofre

generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances.  These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…

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