Edison Pushes Restart, Despite UNSAFE Assessment

NRC No Restart at San Onofre

generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances.  These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…

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Edison Pushes Restart, Despite UNSAFE Assessment

NRC No Restart at San Onofre

generator tubes and their support structures need to be extremely carefully
designed and manufactured within the allowed design tolerances.  These tubes preform a very important safety
function b…

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Plug All Of San Onofre’s Unsafe Tubes, Not Just Some

The DAB Safety Team Agrees With Newly Released MHI Data:

Plug All Of SONGS Unsafe Tubes, Not Just Some

Safety Team along with the support of an ever-growing number of SONGS
Concerned Insiders and Whistleblowers, prepared t…

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San Onofre’s Unsafe Inspections Put SoCal At Risk

San Onofre Unit 2 Replacement Steam Generators Incomplete and Inadequate Tube Inspections

San Diego, CA (November 9, 2012) – The failure of eight Replacement Steam Generator (RSG) tubes (something which has never
happened before…

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San Onofre ALMOST Caused A Nuclear Disaster


DAB Safety Team   November 02, 2012

Media Contact: Don Leichtling
(619) 260-0160 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261


Fluid Elastic Instability
(FEI) is a phenomenon that can…

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San Onofre ALMOST Caused A Nuclear Disaster


DAB Safety Team   November 02, 2012

Media Contact: Don Leichtling
(619) 260-0160 or Ace Hoffman (760) 720-7261


Fluid Elastic Instability
(FEI) is a phenomenon that can…

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10-18-12 SCE’s RSG Testing Update + New NRC Blog Topic

The NRC has just posted this new topic on their blog site:

In Response to Your Letters: Proposed Restart of SONGS Unit 2

by Allison Macfarlane

NRC Chairman


You are encouraged to add you…

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The San Francisco-based California Public Utilities Commission on Tuesday published a draft investigation order regarding the idled San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.

 It will take up the matter at a public meeting Oct. 25 in Irvine.&nb…

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FOE –> San Onofre – Feds Stonewall FOE’s Petition For Legal Hearing On Reactor Restart

Posted Oct. 16, 2012,           Salute to FOE!

WASHINGTON, D.C. —  The Nuclear Regulatory
Commission’s continued refusal to consider a legally binding hearing on the
future of the San Onofre nuclear plant h…

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Update 10-14-12, SCE’s Replacement Steam Generator $680 Million Debacle

Safety Team’s – Update 10-14-12,  SCE’s Replacement
Steam Generator $680 Million Debacle

1.   If SCE’s and MHI’s Engineers had used all the following
guidelines, they would have p…

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SCE’s Restart PR Campaign Backfires in MV!

SCE’s RESTART PR campaign is now in full swing, please tell your friends to find out what SanO insiders are saying about all the technical issues AGAINST RESTARTING SanO, before they attend the NRC Dana Pt. meeting on 10-09-12.

The complet…

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California ISO prepares for another potential summer without San Onofre generation

News Release

News Release

For immediate release | September 13, 2012 Media Hotline ? 888.516.6397

For more information, contact:

Steven Greenlee | sgreenlee@caiso.com Stephanie McCorkle | smccorkle@caiso.com

California ISO prepares for another …

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The Number 1 US Nuclear Safety Concern ==> San Onofre’s Replacement Steam Generators

The DAB Safety Team is thankful to numerous
anonymous concerned SONGS Workers, who have provided factual information in the
interest of the Public Safety to us so that we could arrive at these “Reasonable

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San Onofre Nuke Questions That Need To Be Answered By The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Prior To The Upcoming Oct. 9, 2012 Meeting

Here are some questions for the Public and MSM Reporters to ask the NRC prior to the Public Meeting scheduled about restarting San Onofre on Oct. 9, 2012:

Has the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI) Root Cause Evaluation been completed and a…

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