Toxic groundwater found in Fukushima No. 1 well just 6 meters from Pacific

via Japan Times / June 30, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Saturday it has detected high levels of radioactive substances, including strontium, emitting beta rays in groundwater taken from a well at the port of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. Tepco said 3,000 becquerels of radioactive substances per liter were recorded in groundwater from the well, located just 6 meters from the Pacific. That concentration is 100 … Continue reading

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Tritium level rising in #Fukushima plant port

via NHK World / June 25, 2013 / Officials from Tokyo Electric Power Company say the level of radioactive tritium has been rising in sea water near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. They say they can’t rule out the possibility that contaminated groundwater seeped into the sea. TEPCO officials said on Monday that samples collected on Friday contained 1,100 becquerels of tritium per liter. That is 10 times the … Continue reading

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(Another) Leak found at Fukushima Daiichi desalting device

via NHK World / June 21, 2013 / TEPCO says radiation-contaminated water was found to have leaked from a desalinating device at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The plant operator adds that the leak stopped when it halted the device, and that the water has not flowed outside the complex. TEPCO said a worker detected the leak at the device that removes salt from water used for reactor … Continue reading

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TEPCO puts radioactive water decontamination process on hold, yet another leak detected

via News on Japan /June 17, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), operator of the disaster stricken Fukushima nuclear power facility, put on hold the ongoing test run of its water decontamination system on Sunday, June 16 because of a suspected leak in the holding tanks of the highly radioactive waste water. A number of widely publicized leaks to the facility’s underground storage tanks – erstwhile primary storage for … Continue reading

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TEPCO again corrects radiation level of groundwater at nuclear plant

via The Mainichi / June 13, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Wednesday again corrected the radiation level of groundwater samples taken from the premises of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex, saying it was a tenth of the level announced earlier this month. It is the second time that the utility has corrected the data regarding groundwater, part of which TEPCO is seeking to dump in the Pacific … Continue reading

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Leaking Radioactive Water at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant

By Hideyuki Ban / CNIC / June 1, 2013 / The constantly increasing amount of radioactive water stored at the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is becoming a grave problem. This article focuses on the contaminated water leaks. Despite the fact that no one knows where or in what condition the melted nuclear fuel from the reactor core is located at present, it is absolutely … Continue reading

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Gov’t suggests TEPCO freeze soil around Fukushima plant

via Japan Today / May 31, 2013 / A government panel of experts on Thursday recommended that Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) consider freezing the soil around the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant to reduce the amount of radioactive groundwater being generated by water flowing into the plant. According to the panel’s plan, pipes would be placed in the ground and filled with coolant at a temperature of minus … Continue reading

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Ground freeze urged to curb seepage into Fukushima No. 1 radioactive basements

via / May 30, 2013 / To reduce the flow of groundwater into the crippled reactor buildings at Tokyo Electric Power Co.’s Fukushima No. 1 atomic plant, the government told Tepco on Thursday to freeze the soil around them. Walls of frozen soil can be created by inserting pipes into the soil and injecting them with coolant. Tokyo-based major general contractor Kajima Corp. came up with the idea. A … Continue reading

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#Radioactive Materials Leak at Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)

via EX-SKF / May 24, 2013 / Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), who operates J-PARC, didn’t bother to notify the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (secretariat of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority, mostly made of people from NISA) for 2 days, because they did not think there was any leak of radioactive materials. According to Asahi, the researchers suffer internal radiation of exposure of 1.7 millisievert, and the contamination of the facility is … Continue reading

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#Fukushima Pond Leak Update: All 7 In-the-Ground Water Storage Ponds Are Leaking Radioactive (Beta) Water

via ex-SKF / April 12, 2013 / Jiji Tsushin (4/13/2013) says TEPCO has reported to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority that the in-the-ground water storage pond No.1 is indeed leaking into the surrounding soil. TEPCO’s handout for the press on April 13, 2013 shows that beta nuclides are being detected in the water taken from either the drains or the leak detection pipes or both in not only the ponds Nos … Continue reading

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