Japanese Govt. gives up on #Fukushima Pref. decontamination efforts

via Nuclear-News.net / June 4th, 2013 / Government officials held a meeting in Tamura-city in Fukushima prefecture to explain to residents that they need to look after themselves from now on. Originally they were aiming to reduce the level of contamination down to 0.23uSv/h (=added ionizing radiation 1mSv/y). However they have now abandoned this aim and are not going to repeat any more decontamination. The officials have suggested to residents … Continue reading

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(Another) Leak found at Fukushima Daiichi desalting device

via NHK World / June 21, 2013 / TEPCO says radiation-contaminated water was found to have leaked from a desalinating device at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The plant operator adds that the leak stopped when it halted the device, and that the water has not flowed outside the complex. TEPCO said a worker detected the leak at the device that removes salt from water used for reactor … Continue reading

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TEPCO puts radioactive water decontamination process on hold, yet another leak detected

via News on Japan /June 17, 2013 / Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), operator of the disaster stricken Fukushima nuclear power facility, put on hold the ongoing test run of its water decontamination system on Sunday, June 16 because of a suspected leak in the holding tanks of the highly radioactive waste water. A number of widely publicized leaks to the facility’s underground storage tanks – erstwhile primary storage for … Continue reading

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Government secretly backtracks on Fukushima decontamination goal

via The Asahi Shimbun / June 16, 2013 / With the government facing difficulty in finding disposal sites, municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture are being unofficially notified that the goal for completion of radioactive decontamination work in March 2014 may not be met, sources said.   The government also informed municipalities that it will not allow decontamination work to be redone in areas where radiation levels have not declined even after … Continue reading

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No clear goals in most decontamination contracts

via NHK World / June 13, 2013 / Work to remove radioactive substances from the land and surfaces of buildings has been underway across Fukushima Prefecture more than 2 years following the nuclear accident. But NHK has learned that there are no decontamination numerical targets in most of the contracts cleaning companies signed with the central government and Fukushima municipalities. NHK obtained the information on the contracts signed through April … Continue reading

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Decontamination – Sluggish and Ineffective

By Hideyuki Ban / CNIC / June 1, 2013 Decontamination is now ongoing in many areas, including Fukushima. This article summarizes the current state of decontamination. Although we use the term “decontamination,” since the radiation does not disappear, it should perhaps more properly be termed “relocated contamination,” but here we use the term “decontamination.” Basic Policy The actual organization carrying out the decontamination differs according to the degree of contamination … Continue reading

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