Can Germany Lead California To Energy Freedom?
Germany’s Clean Energy Push: What Can the World Learn
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Tue, Jul 9, 2013 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT
Known as the Energiewende, or “energy transition“, Germany’s campaign to move to renewable power is ambitious, massively popular at home, and by many accounts, quite successful. With 25% of Germany’s electricity currently being sourced from solar, wind, and biomass generation and a target of 80% renewable by 2050 in place, the German energy economy is worth watching.
What can the rest of Europe, the U.S., and other nations learn from one wealthy nation’s aggressive clean energy push? Will Germany succeed in meeting its goals? Which are its biggest obstacles? And perhaps most importantly, can other nations replicate Germany’s most positive achievements? Join us as we ask:
– What distinguishes Germany in terms of economics or political will that has made energiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?
– What has been Germany’s most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?
– Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany’s goals?
– What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?
– Rainer Baake:
Director of Agora-Energiewende, former Deputy Minister of the German Federal Environmental Ministry
– Dr. Sören Buttkereit:
Vice President of regulatory strategies for Siemens Energy, focused on market design in the power sector and the adaptations required for a successful transition towards systems with a higher share of (intermittent) renewables.
– Stephanie Wang
Regulatory Policy Director for the Clean Coalition, a nonprofit working to encourage a modern energy system of smaller-scale, efficient, renewable energy projects.
– Jesse Jenkins, Moderator:
MIT Energy Initiative Energy Fellow and Community Manager at The Energy Collective, former Director of Energy and Climate Policy at the Breakthrough Instituteenergiewende possible? Which nations have similar qualities?
What has been Germany’s most successful strategy in cleaning up its energy mix?
Is the decision to eliminate nuclear power after the Fukushima event consistent with Germany’s goals?
What could prevent other nations from adopting similar strategies?
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