Corbett Report Interview: Gary Kohls Confronts the #Hiroshima Myth

via The Corbett Report / August 3rd, 2014 / James Corbett is joined by Gary Kohls, MD–a retired physician and regular contributor to the Duluth Reader–to discuss his recent column, “The Hiroshima Myth and the Glorification of American Militarism.” We expose the myths surrounding the supposed necessity of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of WWII and outline the real reasons that the nuclear annihilation of these … Continue reading

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Corbett Report Interview: Aileen Mioko Smith on the Japanese Reactor Restarts

from The Corbett Report: The Japanese Nuclear Regulatory Agency is currently considering applications from 8 different utilities companies to restart 17 of the nation’s 54 nuclear reactors, which have been taken offline in the wake of the Fukushima crisis. Today we talk to Aileen Mioko Smith of Green Action Japan about the anti-nuclear movement in Japan and their efforts to stop the reactor restarts from happening.  

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