How Fukushima Contamination May Have Spread via Waterways

via Wall Street Journal / by Yuko Takeo / May 13, 2013 / A new study offers fresh insights into how radioactive contamination from the Fukushima nuclear disaster may have spread through Japan’s interconnected waterways, reaching some freshwater fish hundreds of kilometers away. The research by two Japanese academics published in “Nature” magazine late last month reports traces of cesium found in 2011 “even in Shizuoka prefecture, 400 km south-west from the … Continue reading

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Overview of active cesium contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and Eastern Japan

Toshiaki Mizuno1 Hideya Kubo1 Affiliations Contributions Corresponding author Scientific Reports 3, Article number: 1742 doi:10.1038/srep01742 Received 13 March 2012 Accepted 05 April 2013 Published 29 April 2013   Article tools PDF Download as PDF (536 KB) View interactive PDF in ReadCube Citation Reprints Rights & permissions Metrics This paper focuses on an overview of radioactive cesium 137 (quasi-Cs137 included Cs134) contamination of freshwater fish in Fukushima and eastern Japan based … Continue reading

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