Diablo: Nuke power needs approval

Nuke power needs approval – News

Nuke power needs approval

By: Eric Sifuentes
Issue date: 6/12/07 Section: News

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The Assembly’s Appropriations Committee approved a bill that would put a hold on the relicensing of Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant.

The hold is needed in order to finish a study on the future of nuclear power in California.

But there should be no hold as time is money and relicensing is a good idea.

Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, put forth AB 1046, which would put relicensing of California’s aging nuclear power plants on hold until the California Energy Commission completes its in-depth economic and reliability study.

“There are few decisions we make as a society that have as many far reaching implications as nuclear power,” Leno said in a press release.

Nuclear power discussions are not any ordinary discussions and Leno said he wants to stress this and point out the importance of this issue.

“The waste it generates will remain radioactive for 300,000 years and a single nuclear disaster has the potential to contaminate vast regions of our planet,” Leno said in a statement.

It is obvious that Leno has some strong feelings with this movement, but it is better to be safe than sorry and a hold does nothing.

Why put a hold on it?

The hold should not be placed and action should be taken now and the relicensing should be sooner.

Action should be taken as soon as possible to avoid any problems in the future with the status of the currently licensed plants.

In today’s world of advanced technology, a relicensing would benefit the nuclear plants and the cost to get the plants ready will be worth it.

Live for today and tomorrow will come.

To get something done comes at a price and that price should be paid.

Any roadblocks in the way will just cause nothing but damage in the future.

The AB 1046 would prohibit the California Public Utilities Commission from approving the further use of ratepayer funds for costs associated with relicensing of nuclear power plants.

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